Registration opens tomorrow for our Sweet Life Workshop!!

I am so excited for our upcoming Sweet Life Workshop!! I have put so much of me into this class and I can’t wait to share it with you! I hope that you will join us and find new meaning and real joy in photographing your daily life!

My pictures of my children and family and friends mean so much to me and are one of my most favorites things! I love looking back through my thousands and thousands of pictures and remembering each little special moment!! In our upcoming class we will not only cover some basics about photography but we will also dig deep into the “why?” we photograph what we photograph and how to capture things like emotions, joy and love! Almost all of the pictures that you will find in our class have been taken on my Iphone which I love because it means that almost anyway can capture these awesome images even if you don’t have a professional camera or even a point and shoot!

I hope to see you all over here tomorrow on our first day of registration! Sweet Life Workshop



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